Welcome to Serpentine

Serpentine Community Gallery

- Open  hours -

10am-4pm Monday - Friday 

10am-2pm Saturday

3/104 Conway Street, Lismore, NSW, 2480

Ph: 0492964819 gallery@serpentinearts.org

 Find us on: Twitter at @Serpentinearts 

Instagram at serpentinecommunitygallery

Facebook at Serpentine Community Gallery

Facebook group at Facebook Group

Just Landscape

Features some of the best landscape artists of the Northern Rivers. 

The Serpentine Gallery is hosting Just Landscape from July 12 to 22. This large group show celebrates responses to the Australian landscape, a perennial subject that endures despite trends in the art world. Responses vary widely: some artists amplify and reflect its literal beauty, others use it as a platform to comment on political or cultural issues, and still others experiment abstractly.

The heritage of landscape painting in Australia spans from pre-colonization to contemporary times, absorbing approaches from Romanticism to abstraction, spirituality, and objective representation. Australians cherish landscape art for its beauty, cultural significance, and its role in supporting Australia’s diverse ecosystems.

Opening event is July 12th from 6pm till 9pm

Twin Speak

A Step into Cryptophasia by Erica and Benjamin Gully

Drawing upon such instances as their favourite bands in high school, or referencing television shows they watched growing up - Erica and Ben utilise their art practices to provide us with a series of clues (some involving actual idiosyncratic language they developed when they were young and still use today) that gives the audience insights into their world of Twin Speak.

This Place

opens Saturday 11th of May 2024 from 3pm  til 7pm. 

A diverse and powerful exhibition celebrating culture and community. An invitation has been extended to Indigenous artists in the Northern Rivers to exhibit at Serpentine. With over 30 artists and many diverse artworks, from Traditional to Contemporary including ceramics, paintings, printmaking, digital art, woodwork, and sculpture.

Indigenous art invites us to walk in harmony with the land, to honour the spirits of our ancestors, and to embrace the powerful narratives that emerge from the intersection of tradition and contemporary expression.

You are invited to attend the opening of 'This Place' on a Saturday afternoon from 3pm till 7pm. This exhibition showcases Aboriginal Artists who live in the Northern Rivers. There will be activities for the kids, a fire, snacks, and refreshments available. 

This exhibition runs 10th till the 24th of May 2024. 

Serpentine is open Mon to Fri 10 till 4pm and 10 till 2pm on Saturdays. 

Experience the power of indigenous creativity at the 'Our Place' exhibition. Each artwork is a testament to the resilience, cultural pride, and artistic talent of indigenous artists in the Northern Rivers. All welcome.