Merinda Williams

'Jesse, 2012'

oil and acrylic on canvas

Artist Statement

The late singer-songwriter

Jesse Younan

spent some time living in the hills

near Federal while recording

his third and last album,

just before he passed away in 2008.

His moving, moody and troubled songs

are strong, sincere and brutally tender.

Themes he covered include issues of

addiction, separation, distorted love,

domestic abuse, disease and death.


His music leaves a long lasting impression

and it has touched the hearts

and souls of many, even after his death.

Jesse’s music continues to be kept alive

through live tributes performed by

his brother and various other artists.

- Merinda Williams

June 2013

from the Northern Rivers Portrait Prize 2013

Salon des Refuses

held at the Serpentine Community Gallery

in June/July 2013

also exhibited during


February/March 2014