Scott Jenkin

 'Tree stump in a salt graveyard'


from Growth - March 2010

'Protozoan TV'

- acrylic on board

donated to Art Auction 2010

'Military Intelligence'

- digital image

from Presence 2009

Skot and his

mixed media sculpture

at the opening of

Rainbow Industria November 2006

'Junk Monk'

Found objects and wire

"A member of the

'tribes of the aftermath',

this travelling pilgrim

spends his days scavenging

the myriads of ruined cities

and smoking griff-weed.

Best avoided due to long-winded theological monologues and

extremely bad breath.... "

To view some of the posters Skot has generously created for gallery events:

Black Goat


17 Bridge St, North Lismore, NSW, 2480.

Contact (02) 6621 6845 or