Welcome to Serpentine
Serpentine Community Gallery
- Open hours -
10am-4pm Monday - Friday
10am-2pm Saturday
3/104 Conway Street, Lismore, NSW, 2480
Ph: 0492964819 gallery@serpentinearts.org
Find us on: Twitter at @Serpentinearts
Instagram at serpentinecommunitygallery
Facebook at Serpentine Community Gallery
Facebook group at Facebook Group
TAFE Grad Show
The Serpentine Gallery will again be hosting the annual TAFE Visual Arts and Design graduation show on Friday the 22nd of November. This year’s graduation show will involve a blend of innovation and traditional skills in the mediums of painting, sculpture, printmaking and design. Come to the Serpentine and view the work of Lismore’s next wave of contemporary artists and designers on the 22nd of November.
Seeking the Symbiocene
features artists
Meg Nielsen, Peter Nielsen and Terri Nicholson exploring the connection of humans and our natural world.
“The Symbiocene will be that period in Earth’s history where humans symbiotically re-integrate themselves, emotionally, psychologically & technologically into nature & natural systems …. utterly rejecting the current destructive despotism of the Anthropocene”. (Glenn Albrecht 2011)