Take Shape

From the 14th to the 28th of October 2016,

the Serpentine Community Gallery will be the venue for

"Take Shape"

- a solo exhibition showcasing recent works

by local graphic designer and illustrator Dougal Binns.

Together with local sculptor Franco Girardi's solo exhibition

"From Farm Punk to Plinth",

a combined opening night celebration will take place on

Friday 14th October 2016, from 6pm.

All welcome.

My artworks

start on the computer.

I draw shapes in my illustration software,

and move them around,

change the colours

until I land on something that pleases me.

Then I reproduce them

on canvas or board.

I try to match the colours

from the computer generated art

with real paint.

I mask the positive and negative shapes

to keep the paintings flat.

What happens in between the masked boundaries can be interesting

and that’s what I like.

To see how accurately I can recreate them

but also to see how the inherent imperfection

 of attempting to do that

manifests into a unique result.

- Dougal Binns

September 2016


90cm x 90cm