Pixelated Pixies
Kylaasha - Pixelated Pixies
May 2007:
Pixelated Pixies by Kylaasha
at the Serpentine Community Gallery.
Kylaasha's solo show
Pixelated Pixies
is currently adding a busy hum of activity
to the Serpentine's Gallery 3,
while the Vollies exhibition brings Gallery 2 to life.
As a penniless traveller in Europe some years back,
Kylaasha took up drawing
as a way of keeping her mind from worrying
about silly little things like...
where's my next meal coming from?....
and how do I buy that ticket to London (or home)?
With her drawings receiving much positive feedback
from people encountered on her travels,
Kylaasha is now home,
and with plenty of imagination
and a little digital manipulation
she has created
Pixelated Pixies
- a collection of stencils
based on her original travel sketches.
'King of the Pixies'
'Pigeon of Peace'
'Mayan Dragon'
'Fairy Head'