Funded Projects

A Paper Trail

The gallery has received a grant of $2,425 from Regional Arts NSW towards  A Paper Trail - a week of art workshops and skill sharing by professional artists, open to the general public and artists. The workshops will culminate in a two week curated exhibition.

The Serpentine's A Paper Trail workshops

were greatly enjoyed by all

during the week of

6th to 10th September 2010.

A Paper Trail exhibition will open at the gallery

 at 6pm on Friday 17th September.

For more info try the link above,

 contact the gallery on (02) 6621 6845 or



A grant application is currently being prepared for a community art project entitled Intouch.

The project will showcase works created by the visually impaired with the intention of a hands on experience for those that "view" them. It should prove to be an enjoyable and enriching arts experience for both the artists and the audience.


17 Bridge St, North Lismore, NSW, 2480.

Contact (02) 6621 6845 or