Scarlet '07

Members - Scarlet '07

An exploration of the Senses, the Sensual and the Erotic, Scarlet '07

showcased works by a group of local, emerging artists during June 2007.

A night filled with suggestive and tantalising performances, set in an array of scarletly clad artworks,

was enjoyed by all at the opening of this very first Scarlet exhibition, setting the stage for what has

become a much anticipated annual Live Art Event at the Serpentine Community Gallery.

Scarlet '07 opened on

Friday 1st June, at 6pm.

Followed later that evening by

the Serpentine Sideshow from 9pm,

just up the road at the

Winsome Hotel's

Terrace Room (upstairs).

This event was staged to raise monies for the gallery through

provocative performances

exploring the sensual realm.

DJs Amozon and Sista Ray

played till late.

Dress was luscious.

$10 got you in.

Mystery Woman

by Ildiko Hammond

Christine Devine with one of

her artworks for Scarlet '07