Emma Leon - Fotograffikka
12th SEPTEMBER 2008: Opening of artist Emma Leon's solo exhibition Fotograffikka
at the Serpentine Community Gallery on Friday from 6.30pm.
A collection of photographic works
by Emma Leon,
pushes the limits of photography – it moves it into the surreal,
the poetic, the psychedelic,
the sculptured.
'Hitchin 22' from Fotograffikka
“My major work is in photography and painting which are two very different and contrasting mediums,”
Emma says,
“I feel they’re about capturing life, controlling the light, line, shape and injecting a flavour of personal creativity into a still frame.”
Come along to the opening,
enjoy Emma's art
and some of the great entertainment being put on to celebrate the occasion –
Thylacine Death Rattle (experimental soundscapers),
Laura, Kate and Rohan Langford (banjo, mandolin, guitar),
Caroline Carey and Faye LeCorn (performance artists)
plus Abhinava and Clive (bongo beatbox).
Everyone is welcome.
For more info, contact the Serpentine on (02) 6621 6845.
Above: 'Wottamollah'
Left: 'The Moon's Way'
'It's Not True'
'Fire Dancing'
'Curiosity.. the young
and the free'