Wings of Desire
Carolyn Carey - Wings of Desire
18th SEPTEMBER 2009: Opening of textile artist Carolyn Carey's solo exhibition
"Wings of Desire"
at Serpentine Community Gallery, from 6pm.
Carolyn Carey applies her textile skills to canvas, sculpture,
installation and makes the most extravagant costumes.
An exhibiting artist for the last 3 years,
her artworks show her love of community and creativity.
Carolyn will showcase her skills,
and help others gain their own,
when she holds a
sewing circle and skill share
at the Serpentine gallery on 6th October.
Running sewing circles
has been part of Carolyn's life
for over 10 years.
Join us at the opening of
Wings of Desire
for dazzling performances,
delicious birthday cake
and the delights of Carolyn's textile art.
"Wings of Desire" at the Serpentine
from 18th September until 6th October 2009
From the show (above) and the sewing circle/skill share (below).
17 Bridge St, North Lismore, NSW, 2480.
Contact (02) 6621 6845 or